MS Word: Mark table of content entries using heading styles in Word 2007

We'll demonstrate how to set a heading level 1 and a heading level 2 in the table of contents.

TOC Heading Level 1

To set a headling level 1, select the text that you'd like to see in the table of contents as a heading 1. Then select the Home tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

Then click on the Heading 1 button  in the Styles group.

Now when you update the table of contents, you should see Microsoft as a Heading 1.

TOC Heading Level 2

To set a headling level 2, select the text that you'd like to see in the table of contents as a heading 2. Then select the Home tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

Then click on the Heading 2 button in the Styles group.

Now when you update the table of contents, you should see Word as a Heading 2.